Suddenly... Hanis+Mija and Nina coming out with da cake n candle.. i was so surprise coz xprasan pn diorg dtg!! dh naik malu aku time tuh coz diorg nyanyi kat situ.. huhu..femes sat... Thanks for all of u.. u all really make my day... diorg sewa kete juz utk make me surprise... thanks so much.. i really appreciate it... i luvv u all!!

mija, liza, hanis and nina
Lastly, i wanna thanks for those yg send sms, fs and any msg or call me wish me bday.. i luv all of u nina, thanks for da comel tabung tu and da card.. so nice:p and not to forget, my housemate, kc her Neroli Jasmin from Body Shop.. eventho kebetulan.. aku suke perfume itu..hehe
P/S :
1. i look super duper gemok dlm gmbr ni.. aku xmau dh pki bj tu!!! xsukeeeeeeeeee... grrrrr...
2. aku dh phm skng... dak2 umh aku ni mmg jenis xcelebrate bday... even bestfren diorg pn, diorg xcelebrate and i even dun know last few day was my housemate bday.. diorg ni x bsg2 pn... dgn dak umh dlu lak ske celebrate.. everyone of us, mesti celebrate nye...
1. i look super duper gemok dlm gmbr ni.. aku xmau dh pki bj tu!!! xsukeeeeeeeeee... grrrrr...
2. aku dh phm skng... dak2 umh aku ni mmg jenis xcelebrate bday... even bestfren diorg pn, diorg xcelebrate and i even dun know last few day was my housemate bday.. diorg ni x bsg2 pn... dgn dak umh dlu lak ske celebrate.. everyone of us, mesti celebrate nye...
1 comment:
yea!!! ktorg bjaya wat ko terasa surprised!! haha
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