my previous entry was a sad entry bout En Ajai.. wat can I do..
it's his mistake and everyone make mistakes..
he already mitak maaf n agreed with sum of my syarat!
Last chance for him!! ok..let's stop talk bout it..
Nway.. kami dh berbaik.. nk marah gak lg sbnrnye..
tp xboleh la lame2 sgt.. aku lak skt jiwe nnt..
Last weekend i spent my time in KL..
he spent a lot for me (nk pujuk aku la tuh).. nway..
thanks lak shoping... lame dh xshpg :p
My spontaneous buying was --> Kiehl's Brightening Botanical Moisture Fluid

Beli bj n bedsheet.. owh.. i luv my new bedsheet.. n i'm addicted to it!! kn best ada byk bedsheet yg cml2 :p
1 comment:
byk shopping kak???
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