Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Industrial Training!!

Now this, aku tgh berpraktikal.. starting on 3 Dec 07 - 18 April 08.. aku li kat Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad, Kuantan. So, leh kate aku staff Celcom la skang.. aku ditempatkan kat unit Switching.. Soo..Soo boring + sejuk gile + tepu otak nak kne paham all those GSM network! Everyday, aku dtg kje dgn k.Noni (my sister in law + my supervisor).. hehe.. actually, she's also head of this switching network unit. last friday, dh ponteng satu hari coz kitaorang nk balik kg anta adik2 my SIL yg dtg cni last week.. tp image kat ofis lain laa.. i'm still respect her like my boss, xdelaa nak ngade2 ke ape, nnt xpasal org lain mengata lak! So far, dh byk gak la yg aku blaja bout telecommunication ni. Dlm kete balik kg hari tu pun duk kne lecture je, all those antenna pegi ke BSC and MSC yang ada kat bilik sebelah aku ni. Bilik ni sangat2 la sejuk!! Insyaallah, i'll gain my knowlegde lots and lots more!!

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