ya.. sori coz dh lame xupdate.. i'm so bz with my new life.. later, i'll story more.. but for now, i'm so happy coz i had much shopping within dis few week..:)) (gembiranye kalo tetiap ari leh sopin).. firstly, i tried dis essesce from TheFaceShop.. i luv dis brand.. y?? bcoz, all da product had a very nice smell and all da product made from organic. i bought essence for pore minimizer.. yea.. i had big pore and i'm so scared bout it.. now, aku tgh survey2 pe skincare yg bgs.. i dun realy mind da price asalkan da result tu fabulous.. i'm dreaming to hav a flawless skin.. putih gebu.. huhu.. anyone wanna help me?? let me know ok!!
pore minimizer essence+2 free sample of cleansing foam(sgt2 wangi)
Last Tuesday, i took off to KL.. yea.. tu meet my bf yg di rindui..huhu.. ya, i miss him so much :( hehe.. naik bas kul 1230am, smpai lbh krg kul 5am.. then my b, tp die tdo mati!!! sbo jer aku nih!!! rs nak nangis gile.. dhla both my hp habis bateri.. aku cuak gle.. dhlaa kul 5 pg, kat pudu plak tu.. time tu mmg rs geram gle kat die.. sik baik ada indon tu kc pinjm hp die.. kali yg keberapa ribu br la my b angkt hp.. bout 20min after dat, my b smpai... went to her aunt home 1st coz he'll send me on his way to office.. then, ptg tu i asked him to go to Pavillion..i'm looking for my watch!! 1st, pegi fossil and Guess.. but da Guess yg aku nk tu xde.. xbyk choice kt situ.. + aku dh syok dgn jam fossil.., so decide to hav dis watch..

Square Link
Actually, aku prefer leather, tp memikirkan jam sgt sng nk kne air, nnt leather tu jd busuk.. so i choose steel jela.. Tp 1 hal yg aku xpuas hati!! xpuas hati dgn SA fossil tu! diorg ni cm mls nk lyn je.. cm ingt aku xmampu bli ke ape?????????? menyampah btol!! tau la muka aku cm budak2 lg.. :p

i also had new perfume!! Vera Wang Princess!! my b laa yg beria nk beli perfume2, last2 aku yg bli... padahal xde dlm list aritu pn..hampeh tol.. nway, another my wishlist dh berjaya di grab even not da exact one!!
the next day, we all terlwt g pudu.. and i missed da bus!! hehe.. my b trapped in the jam.. terpaksalaa bli tkt lain...it's ok.. leh jln2 lg kn yg?? hehe..
*yg, i miss u so much la.. nape erk i dh xmrh2 u skng?? nnt kite sopin lg yerk!! b blanjer eh!! i nk make up + new jeans laa..plizz