i got a complimentary from Celcom.. ya..juz like saguhati la..
i got 2 shirts actually, tp my sis dah paw.. and also already had both before

Thanks Celcom for all da complimentary.. juz a simple one but i do appreciate it.. really.. thanks coz gave me such a very memorable moment for me... i'm so happy with my practical lessons.. l learned a lot and i had much fun. i got frens too:)
At da same day ari anta report tu, aku balik dungun ptg tu.. n yg lawaknye.. i asked Nizam to pick up my repot at my home..tunggu punye tunggu smpai terlelap.. and aku xsedar time die datang.. adui.. i'm so sori Nizam.. SORRY SGT2... sik baik sempat pi anta kat ofis die and k.noni rushing anta aku pi bus station.. i'm off to Dungun :))
Anyway, last day aku practical tu, i got a chance went to MACP at RTM Kuantan.. Act kawan lela yg gtau n die kc tiket kat kitaorg.. 4 of us, Lela, Syed,Sulaiman and me went there.. Best coz ramai gak artis mlm tu.. dis also gonna be 1st time aku knal sape itu'Hafiz Hamidon'.. adui.. he won a lot dat nite.. Nway, thanks Lela for invited us.. nice closing for me..
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