Yea.. i had mentioned b4, i had a short holiday trip after done with my practical. Act, i'm off to Kelantan. Main purpose, follow my parents anta my aunt n my cousin pegi Umrah. Tp main purpose aku nk pi berjalan2 jer..hehe

Both my parents while yg kt depan tudung hijau tu la my aunt n yg duduk tudung hijau gelap gak tu my cousin.. both of them went for Umrah.. take care ok...After anta diorg, time tu bout 9pm already, then my uncle and us checked in at New Pacific Hotel.. well, ok la hotel ni.. tp i'm not satisfied with da breakfast food la... sgt xpuas hati!!!

i'm sharing da bed with my mom..while my daddy shared with my brother.. kebetulan my brot pun duk hotel yg sama..
After breakfast pg tu, smbg tdo jap then we all kuar pi pasal Siti Khadijah.. i'm not shopping byk pun.. juz bought some kuih&food. me also get a pair of brooch.. Lunch kat situ then pegi Tesco yg br dibuka..meriah gak rr Tesco kt sini... me bought 2 tudung Mortada.. hehe.. klo bleh nk byk lg...kt sini also ada Big apple Donut.. and i had a try too:) act, nk kc my parents rase jugak.. (padahal diorg yg byr)

For me, I prefer Big Apple than J Co Donut.. i think it softer and tastier more than J Co. Klo mkn J Co tu rs cam xpuas mkn pun tp yg ni aku rs cam lebih berisi even da size sama cam JCO. we tried Duren Duren (durian flavor), The Alien (the perfect mix&match of chocolate dip with strip all over), Whitnut, Mango Tango, Chococinno and Californion Almond. Sume best ok!!!

Then, b4 balik ke umah my uncle kat Jerteh ptg tu, we had dinner at Noodle Station.. my treat for my dad's birthday.. hehe..simple jer...
We had Mango Sorbet
Mango Snow ~ pure mango blend and raw 'sago'
fried wantan me
curry wantan mee
we also had Nasi Goreng.. forgot da name.. well.. for me, da food so-so jer.. tahla.. i heard Noodle Station ni best, tp for me, me x suke sgt. both my parents pun sama... it's ok la..juz hav a try.. For me, Kelantan ni mmg food heaven la.. me xsempat nk try aym percik nye and lots mmg sgtttlaa heaven...mau berkilo naik klo aku duk kelantan ni.. sik baik holiday sehari jer...huhu
1 comment:
yea..aym percik..teringin plak mau mkn
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