Next day.. i juz spend my time with my sister n lil brother.. Mr.B needs to spend time with his family of coz.. die pi blanje bj raya for his family... my sis n i went to MidValley, looking for kain bj raya for my mum.. but none of them caught our eyes.. everything seems not ok.. even utk diri sendiri pn xde ape yg berkenan.. last2 my sis tension pi bli DVD player kat Carrefour.. while me spending them Extreme Buzz from San Francisco Coffee.. buy 1 free 1 ok!!! and lil bread from BreadTalk.(best).. mlm nye pula kitaorg ke Downtown... aku membeli 2 helai tudung utk raya..huhu..pokai maa....
On Sunday, i accompany my sis went to The Mines.. cam siot jer time parking tuh!!!! xsuke!! nvrmd.. then, pi bli kain kat Nagoya. 2 pieces of for my mum n 1 for my sister... then pi bli DVD plak... then, blk singgah kt kedai perabot.. bli sofa my sis...
Then, i asked my sis to send me to KLCC.. huhu.. meet Mr.B parents.. aku sgt segan ok!!!!! dis is my first time meeting them... had minum2 kat foodcourt and i bought my sis in law Clarins compact powder...bukan itu sahaja yg aku bli....sila lihat gambar kedua...!! aku juga telah berjaya mengajak Faizah ( Mr.B lil sista) utk sm2 aku join da workshop.. pas blk rs bersalah plak ajak die.. cian die hbs RM120... her mum ckp adik die terpengaruh dgn aku!! aduhai... hampeh btol!! nk pk... nway, sempat jugak aku ketuk beberapa sample dr amoi tu.. i got sample for toner n day moisturizer.. act, nk bli Body Veil.. tp kne tunda dlu la.. bli time workshop nnt jela.. erm, dat day i was wearing a white blouse(bj my sis), my grey jeans and tudung biru corak2 ku.. aku sgt suka bj putih akak aku tu... i'm feeling hot!! hahaha.. Mr.B pun ckp aku nmpk lawa hari itu.. adakah???????? hahaha.. nk bj putih tu yg..........plizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..:p erm, later on, they send me back home....
On Monday.. parents Mr.B dh blk kg, so went out together..hhehe..went to Pavillion...and we had Shopping..yeay...Mr.B bli ini...

Sony Ericsson G 900
Act, the first thing kitaorg bli kat Pavillion tu adalah di bawah ini.. hehe.. i got my La Senza bra...

Act, ada cerita b4 Mr.B bli hp tu.. die act moody dgn aku ....die tension coz kne tunggu lama..hehe..jgn la mrh's so hard to find the perfect one ok!!! then.. he keep on moody.. aku dh agak nk mrh time itu.. so, pi solat dlu... pas solat tu..die duk sibuk call bank bout her credit card... then dia ckp nk bli hp... and aku pn ikut jela kn.... Selepas berjaya di promote oleh akak kedai tu... Mr.B telah membeli hp yg 'membazir' itu... haha.. menambah kn hutang lg...
Disebabkan kami mempunyai voucher berjumlah RM40 kt Parkson.. aku pn mau bli itu wallet yg diskaun 50%..

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