Thursday, September 18, 2008

Instant Smooth Clarins Workshop

Dah bpe lame gak xupdate blog.. malas btol rasenye.. byk mende yg nk ditulis tp xbuat2.. huhu.. cite last weekend... aku ada mention bout 'Instant Smooth Clarins Workshop', and it juz happen last Saturday at The C.Club Pavillion.. well, really nice place..

sampai KL dlm kul 5 lbh.. suppose nk jumpe Mr.B trs, tp keje die xsiap2.. so trs ke LRT Bdr Tn Razak.. asked my sis amik...then g amik my lil brother lak n pi bazar.. by the time i'm arrived home, mr.b msg dia dh siap keje...n die tny nk jumpe ble.. aku ckp la pas magrib je la coz ms tu tggl 15min je lg kot nk berbuka.. klo dia dtg confem tgh azan dh... lgpn msti la my sis mrh kn.. tp mr.b ni cm moody2 plak..ckp cpt2 dia siapkan keje coz nk jumpe.. tp xnk pk lak msg yg die kc time aku nek tren tu.. aku tnye agak2 ble leh siap.. die jwb 'xtau ble leh siap'... xke gle namenye tu.. kc jwpn yg lgsg xpasti then cam nk blame aku lak xnk jumpe..aduh..bengang gak la ms mls la nk gaduh2 ni..perut pn lapo.... pas berbuka die dtg amik...pi pavillion..die mau settlekan hal kad kredit aritu... pastu pi mkn kat Pizza Hut... bli roti kat Breadtalk n trs blk...

aku dh xmrh time ni
Da next day, kitaorg kuar pi Midvalley..mission membeli bj raya adik mr.b.. adik dia pn ikut skalila... n.. my wedges skali..hehe.. mr.b ckp nk blanje wedges tu tp dat day die cm xckp duit coz tkt ada emergency pape..then aku pn ok jela kn(dlm hati sedih). tp time kat jj sementara menunggu adik mr.b memilih bj, mr.b hulurkn die suh aku tmbh half lg..nnt die byr blk..(jgn lupe byr tau yg :P) kejam ke aku???????? huhu... pas siap bli wedges aku kitaorg pi Pavillion plak.. ya.. da workshop gonna start at 2pm...

Actually, dis workshop taught us how to use their make up with da right way.. diorg ajar n suh kita wat sendiri.. diorg xmau nnt blk trs lupe klo org len yg watkan... Speaker hari tu name die Michelle(btol ke eja ni??).. sgt best die ckp..n die sgt comel....well.. mmg btol la product tu name Instant Smooth.. mmg sgt smooth... and mmg ada certain product tu cam magic gk ar..(diorg ckp magic product)... aku ske da way diorg mekap coz diorg lebih pentingkn part muka..which is diorg pntgkan muka yg licin, look flawless, and soft b4 applying any other makeup.. means..muka tu dh lawa br tambh yg len..yg len tu pn xdela byk its look so natural..muka dh lawa xpyh la tmbh byk2 kn??? juz cm basic la...blusher, mekap mata n lips...
Lepas sessi mekap tu, time utk grooming plak..and Steven Sunny are the guest of da day..He is a L’OrĂ©al Paris Hair stylist. dia ajarla cr nk grooming..pki bj camne.. nk match dgn ape n mcm2 lg la.. die ajar gak camne nk gayakan rambut...

Pas siap sume tu, time utk redeem brg n bli brg..huhu... 3 paperbag in one day...

ni adalah door gift of da day..okla kn..dh kc free..lipliner die pn dh harga bape 1...
Ni plak free gift utk pembelian melebihi rm 180... ada voucher utk treatment mata lg..huhu..nnt aku pi...
ni plak brg yg aku bli.. (pokai aku) instant smooth foundation n multi blush... both cos me rm200...
b4 blk tu The C.Club ni kc complimentary utk kitaorg... kc tapau mknn skali for Muslim.. best jgk kuih yg diorg kc..dlm paper bag tu diorg kc like bekas candle camtu..wangi.. really nice...
ni la wedges yg aku bli makcik2 sket kn?? ada aku kesah???? asalkan aku selesa... biarla pe org nk kate..huhu... nway..thanks mr.b for da wedges n lenkali mmg bleh join lg la event camni... sgt worth it...feel so lucky to had da chance like dis..(aku tau..mende ni perabihkn duit aku jer.. ) huhu...

p/s: smlm dpt call dr amoi clarins tu..suh pi jumpe die..die mau kc skit lg brg.. pastu die offer wat facial for 50% only... tp xdak wit dah.. mr.b nk blanje ke?????:P

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