Last 2 week,i went to KL first b4 i get back to Dungun with my dear sister n lil brother... i had buka puasa with Mr.B... kitaorg pg Tesco Cheras coz tu yg plg dkt n time tu hujan, so xleh la nk pi kedai2 tepi jln... Mr B pn nk cr brg utk wat blk kg mlm tu... ble msk jer Tesco tu nmpk restoren ni... kitorg tgk je..b ckp cm ok aku rs cm xnk la mkn mhl2 sgt..cian kt b...:p aku ckp kite tgk kt len dlu la... die ckp 'ok'.. pastu tgk2..ade chicken rice shop, kedai mamak n food court.. tgk set buka puasa kt chicken rice shop cm mhl jer..xberbaloi b ckp.. die pun cm xbrape suke je... die ajak mkn kat Boston Grill tu jugak.. aku pn ok jela kn.. hehe...kitaorg amik set yg plg murah laa yg ada.. set Chicken Chop...nk amik yg len tp ni jer yg cam menarik ht...

Soft drink agak mhl..rm bleh refill..berbaloi ar.. i had lemon iced tea n b had sprite kot..

Our chicken chop.. owh..i tell's really yummy.. so far, it's the best chicken chop i had tried.. ya.. i know.. i never try chillis, tgi or San Francisco Steak house... but hello!!!! da chicken chop only cost me rm 13.90 okeh!!!! so, wat u expect ur chicken chop gonna be with da price n da place??? mkn chicken chop kat warung pn dh rm10 kot??? kat food court lg mhl kot...??? am i rite?? but dis chicken chop sgt sedap okeh... owh..truly heaven.. da black pepper sauce sgt pekat n sedap.. n when i mix with da chicken..owhhh.. it's perfect!!!! am i too excited??? wat ever... tp tekak aku rs sgt nikmat hari itu....da fries pn sedap... just steamed vege tu je yg rs cm bese jer...

well.. i told u dat we had 'set' rite??? ya.. a set of main course, soup n dessert.. and dis is da soup..mushroom soup... it's soooooooo sedap.... owh.. pekat, sedap, ada byk mushroom dlm tu..best22... i can't describe it!1

Lastly.. our dessert.... i dun know how to describe..but it's yummylicious.............!!!! yg bwh tu sgt creammmmyyyyyy... then ada jelly kat atas... strawberry sauce tu pn sgttt sedap..xcam strawberry sauce biase... owh... lapar plak aku rs... well, i truly recommend dis place... ya.. with da price u way n wat u get, it's totally worth it.. it's more than half da price from Chillis or tgi's friday!!! sgt kenyang n puas hati.. pasni x pi mkn kat kenny rogers dah..mkn kat sini jelaa eh B.. oke??? hehe... thanks so much to MrB kerana menaja mknn berbuka puase sy:) hehe.. sy sungguh syg kamu:))
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