Oklah.. I was so lucky to have a chance to try Clarins Facial for free... Nape free?? hehe..yg tu rahsia keh.. I tried this facial on 26/4/09.. a day after En Ajai nye besday and i was held at Parkson KLCC.
Aku juz amik normal facial.. and it was really relaxing..

At first.. diorg nk rilex kn badan kite.. diorg urut dr bwh ke ats.. very simple step tp mmg ada efek...then.. ble kite da rilex br diorg start dgn facial.. aku siap tdo2 lg..huhu..
Aku rs sume org pn da tau.. Clarins mmg xgunekan machine in their treatment.. so, no stim2 ke ape keh... sume pakai tgn... best gle time die urut kpl, tengkuk then muka kite..
Lepas siap facial tu..cam biasa la..diorg offer package 3 session for RM270 kot... tp aku xamik la.. time tgh miskin ms tu..lgpn..dgn muka aku yg byk blackhead ni..aku lbh prefer facial yg kuarkan blackhead, stim sume tu kot.. klo nk rilex, aku mmg recommend la Clarins nye treatment ni.. mmg best and rilex.. diorg pun mmg slalu fully booked.. So, sesape yg berminat nk try.. sila book awal2 keh!!
*tetiba rs xpandai gle nk mengarang.. camne ni?? perlu ke blog di teruskan??
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