Aku xpnah ada brg2 cap Anna Sui ni.. tp aku ske jgk la sbb brg2 die comel..tp best or x tu aku lum cukup menarik perhatian aku utk bli.. till.................. Selasa hr tu...
SA tu sgt baik ht.. die kc try new collection for Autumm..
Ni hah.. yg purple comel tu Primer Make up Base.. aku lupe name penuhnye...haha..
Sgt best mende tu.. bau rose..aku suke make up base tu..and yg bunge hitam tu cream foundation. Act ada 2 type, liquid and cream foundation. Both she applied to my face. Then, the result, she make up all over my face.. Dah lawo...xkn nk pi facial lak kn??? so, cancel jela facial tu... Oh ye...

SA tu kc free 2 sample ni.. ada base + foundation..
1 utk cream foundation (krim ke ek?? aku pn xtau..cam 2way cake tu hah)
lg 1 utk liquid foundation...
That nite, aku kuar pakai lg mekap br ku itu.. owh.. aku sgt suke bunge kaler hitam tu.. best weh.. da xperlu pkai bedak muke aku.. Serius.. aku suke..

Comel kan casing die... geram aku...tp lg comel org kat bwh ni kan?? haha..(jgn muntah ye!!)
ahaha.. xcaye??? Xpercaye???

Aku mau tayang jugak!! haha.. comel x bj purple aku??kihkih..
1 comment:
eeeeee....poyonye gmbr pompuan bj purple 2...hahahahahha
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