Cume aku jela blum kaye2 lagi.. haha..
Oklah.. nk cite pasal card nih hah...
The Garden Club member...
Oklah.. i got da opportunity nk gune kad ni dr akak aku..
yer.. die kan 3week kat segala kad2 die tu aku suh la tinggal...
One part yg aku ske pasal card ni coz leh gune die punye lounge..
kat sini korang leh la lepak2.. minum free smbil bc magazine and even leh gune internet yg disediakan....all for free..

toilet die 2 or 3x ganda lebih besar dr bilik sayang xdak paip...1 je kot yg ada paip..tapi takdak pili... heran tul aku sape yg reka...
Ni antara benefit yg korang dpt ble jadi members....
Free first 3 hours for spend of above RM100 in a single receipt at any outlet
within The Gardens Mall. Free first 4 hours valet parking for spend of above
RM500 in a single receipt at any outlet within The Gardens Mall.
Receive exclusive invitations to special events/activities organized by
The Gardens Club and participating retail outlets.
Regular updates to your mailbox.
Indulge in the luxuries of life with exclusive offers and discounts from
participating outlets in The Gardens Mall.
Access to The Exclusive Gardens Club Lounge on 4th Floor.
Baru2 ni..on Tuesday, aku n nina pi Midv untuk shopping2(nina je yg shopping..aku tak) .. dah penat tu pi la lepak jap kat lounge Gardens ni sambil minum air free..

Bersama Datin Liza.... hahaah.. Insyaallah..
Camne nk jadi member???
Oppss..lupe plak nk gtauu...
Carenye senang je ye kawan2...
beli la pape kat Gardens tu, more than rm1k,
then pi reegister kat Level 4... automatically korang leh jadi member...
mudah bukan bg korang???
bg aku?? tidak sama sekali... hehe...
Oh... lupe.. last weekend aku g umah kak inie.. check post box die... ada birthday card dr Gardens Club... aku bukak... ada card bersama voucher cake dr Coffee Bean... itu mungkin untuk aku jua... hehe..
Oppss..lupe plak nk gtauu...
Carenye senang je ye kawan2...
beli la pape kat Gardens tu, more than rm1k,
then pi reegister kat Level 4... automatically korang leh jadi member...
mudah bukan bg korang???
bg aku?? tidak sama sekali... hehe...
Oh... lupe.. last weekend aku g umah kak inie.. check post box die... ada birthday card dr Gardens Club... aku bukak... ada card bersama voucher cake dr Coffee Bean... itu mungkin untuk aku jua... hehe..
wooo ade gmbr supermodel la..
thnx 2 miss fotografer ye...
nina mmg shopperholic kot..huhu
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