Sunday, November 1, 2009

SAP course

hye... tau sy sgt pemalas nk update...
dah dekat sebulan kn??
huhu... training aku pn dah nk hbs..

well.. so many things happen yet so little time..
wat training course???

oklah.. rs nye most dah tau aku amik training course SAP...
tp rasenye ramai yg xtau kan?? kan??

basically, aku leh ckp SAP ni one of da database...
i's huge....
it same like oracle, SQL (which i never learnt)
tp SAP more huge.. where people can excess others database..of coz with authority lah...

i think i was the da lucky one to get this opportunity..
well.. course for free..siap dpt elaun kan..
sape nk kc u???
cube gtau skit...
mhl kot cos tu kn...
haha.. tp a bit regret la coz most of the part aku byk xphm...
tp takpe..i have time to study rite??
ahhaa..itupn klo rajin la kn...

nway.. 2week b4 raya hari tu kitorg ada
soft skill puny course kat CDC Consulting Phileo Damansara..
then after raya br start training kt Axon TPM...
though the class realllllly farrrrrrrrrrrr from my little umah sewa ni...
kitorg ttp g xley bgn.. kul 8lbh br hegeh dr umah...
tp class heaven okeh... food provided during morning tea n evening..
biasenye..diorg sedia kan 1 jenis kuih manis n lg satu yg pedas skit...
sedap2 pulak tu...huhu...da la pilih je nk air ape kn...
thanks Axon for the hospitality...hehe

currently..aku duk umh for the purpose of aku kn pemalas..last minit br hegeh nk study kn...haha...10hb ni br test..serius cuak..cos ramai yg xlulus sbnrnye for the last 4 batches...

erm.. ape lg nk ckp ek??
lupe dah..nnt la post lg yer..till then


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