Dh lame xpegi holiday kan??? Act, Mr B and i ada planning for holiday... tp xtau nk pi mane.. ya with da cost and etc... lgpun byk halangan jugak utk pi holiday ni.. of coz we r not going for holiday juz for 2 of us!! mstila mak bapak aku xkc okeh! nevermind.. pk kemudian...
Dlm duk pk2 psl tmpt nk bercuti tu, tepk bout dis 3 places... ya of coz we r not going abroad.. juz in Malaysia okeh!! tp klo aku dh ada duit skit, teringin nk pegi 3 tmpt ni..kenape??? sbb aku rs tmpt ni affordable... yela..dgn adanye Air Asia sume tu mstila kita mampu kan.. klo nk harap dpt pi Paris ke UK ke comfem la berzaman lg br leh pi :((

First, would be Australia.. haha.. teringin nk rs negara sejuk.. B, kite pi sini bley????

Second, Bandung.. ok??? ramai ckp pi sini leh shopping.. bestnyer.. B, klo xdpt pi yg atas tu, kite pi sini pun dh ok dh.. ayg xkesah:P

And lastly, teringin nk pi Singapore.. i was there when i was a baby.. mane la aku tau.. mak aku ckp time tu pi coz ada pertabalan ape tah..pakcik aku time tu tentera..aku pn lupe..tentera laut kot...bley tgk iklan kat tv tu cam best je.. pulau sentosa ape tah... hehe..nk pi ble ni????? pi dlm mimpi dh laa yer
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