Tp coz nk kc mkn utk sume org, aku knela mencairkan skit sauce pasta tu... rs nye kurang kawww!!!. Mr.B arrive around 1230am... then we heading to KL...cian Mr.B pnat.. hehe..
Da next day kuar jln2 di MidValley.. nk jumpa adik aku jap time tu... time smpai Mid adik aku lak tgh tgk wyg..so, kitaorg pi mkn dlu kat TCRS... aku rs harga die naik la.. tahla.. aku rs mhl..
we had promotion set consist of
1) Pai Tee (Regular)
1) Pai Tee (Regular)
2) Choice of Gado-gado or Kerabu Mango3
) Single Serve Chicken**(Choice of Roast, Steamed or Braised)
4) Choice of TCRS Honey BBQ Chicken,Assam Fish, Curry Chickenor Hong Kong Beef Stew
5) Pak Choy with Oyster Sauce (Small)
6) Sai To Fish Balls (Regular)
7) 2 bowls of Rice
8) Soup of the day
9) 2 Pepsi
10) also Ayam Percik
Boleh la..tp too much chicken..xhbs pn.. soup soto ayam kitaorg tapau coz dh xmuat nk sumbat dlm perut...Then, kitaorg jln2.. Mr.B bli t-shirt 2 helai... katenye die xde bj dah..hehe.... lenkali kt g bli byk2 lg yer... Dh pnat jln2 kami berehat pulak(mkn lg)... both of us pening kpl..haha..sape suh tgk bjj byk ngat.. Mr.B ajak pi Starbuck(die ajak okeh..not me!!) tp aku yg byar... haha...
Act, motif hari tu nk cr cincin br for both of us... Tomei ada buat promotion..suasa putih for couple.. sgt cantik... tp xmampu la... cian kat Mr.B... mhl sgt... so, disebabkn xjumpa kat sane.. Mr.B ajak pi JJ Maluri je... tp len plak jd nye...hehe.. aku mintak Mr.B byrkan aku nye jeans dlu..haha..dpt PTPTN br byr blk... haha.. I got a new LEVI's.. xmhl sgt pn... i'm desperately need it syg.. xselesa xde jeans... pas bli jeans jumpe kedai silver ni.. Silver from Italy..pure 925.. kate die la...

haha gmbr maid baru yer..bikk!!!
haha..ada gaya x kmbr??
awt ko bg maid ko pkai lawa2 sgt liza...
tah maid aku ni.. die dh pandai g sopin sendiri..tp xdpt lari dr sluar bibik die r(indon pakai suar kaki besa maa):p
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