Thursday, February 21, 2008
:::Malas mode:::
I felt so angried with myself.. y i'm so lazy nowadays????? y huh?? i juz had about 1 month and half till i finished my practical training..kejap je kan..huhukhuk.. why i'm getting mad with myself??? because...i do nothing with da report and presentation.. and i'm getting worried about it.. tp i felt so lazy maa.. everyday.. dtg ofis.. settle kan keje yg wajib about half an hour..then aku trs online... baca blog laa keje aku..can't resist laa.. ble dah ngadap tu dah lupe dunia..pastu mula la kje x siap.. klo mula2 keje tu..rajin je wat report tiap2 ari.. skang jgn harap.. aku benci diri sendiri.. huwaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i hav to do sumtin with myself.. come one Rosliza.. u want 4 pointer rite???? (nk..nk.. tp mls..) hahah..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Carrot cake
Before dis, i had told about my carot cake.. i took da recipe from one of the blogger.. and i would like to share the recipe with all.. it's very easy and simple..and most so sedap.. try it ok
4 biji telur ~ asingkan putih & kuningnya
1 1/2 cawan ~ minyak sayur atau minyak jagung
150 g~ gula kaster (kurangkan coz for me manis sgt)
150 g~ gula perang
1 1/2 cawan ~ lobak merah diparut
Bahan di ayak:
250 g flour tepung gandum
1 teaspoon suduteh serbuk kayu manis
1 1/2 suduteh baking soda
1 suduteh garam
100 g walnut ~ di cincang ( best kalo aku x letak pun)
1. Pukulkan kuning telur (pukul sampai kembang sikit).
2. Kemudian masukkan minyak, gula kaster & gula perang, serta dengan lobak merah yang diparut tadi.
3. Masukkan walnut, kacau sebati.
4. Kemudian masukkan bahan-bahan yang di ayak tadi, kacau sebati.
5. Pukul putih telur di mangkuk lain dengan mixer hingga keras.
6. Masukkan putih telur ini sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan, kacau perlahan-lahan, satu arah sahaja, sila gunakan spatula atau senduk kayu, tak sebati sangat pun takper asalkan tidak terlebih kacau.
7. Bakar pada suhu 180 celcius selama 45 minit atau sehingga masak.
4 biji telur ~ asingkan putih & kuningnya
1 1/2 cawan ~ minyak sayur atau minyak jagung
150 g~ gula kaster (kurangkan coz for me manis sgt)
150 g~ gula perang
1 1/2 cawan ~ lobak merah diparut
Bahan di ayak:
250 g flour tepung gandum
1 teaspoon suduteh serbuk kayu manis
1 1/2 suduteh baking soda
1 suduteh garam
100 g walnut ~ di cincang ( best kalo aku x letak pun)
1. Pukulkan kuning telur (pukul sampai kembang sikit).
2. Kemudian masukkan minyak, gula kaster & gula perang, serta dengan lobak merah yang diparut tadi.
3. Masukkan walnut, kacau sebati.
4. Kemudian masukkan bahan-bahan yang di ayak tadi, kacau sebati.
5. Pukul putih telur di mangkuk lain dengan mixer hingga keras.
6. Masukkan putih telur ini sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan, kacau perlahan-lahan, satu arah sahaja, sila gunakan spatula atau senduk kayu, tak sebati sangat pun takper asalkan tidak terlebih kacau.
7. Bakar pada suhu 180 celcius selama 45 minit atau sehingga masak.
Flamingo Pink!
As i mentioned notebook was ROSAK... pity me... and now, i'm so confused either to repair it or juz bought a new one.. if it's me.. i would buy a new one of coz.. but da matter is about da money..hehe.. so, anyone would like to buy my previous Dell inspiron?? Only the LCD yg rosak actually..However, i've make some researched about a new laptop..hehe.. dis one only can happen if i get any 'durian runtuh' or any rezeki yang turun dari langit..huhu. InsyaAllah.. Pray it for me k.. i'm surveyed only for a laptop with da price range RM2k-3k only.. A big claps for me..:-D
Dis one also from Dell.. i juz can't resist myself with da design..i lurvee da color and additional pattern.. i juz fall in luv with the flamingo pink at first sight..huhu.. even i kinda of sulking with DELL.. dis one really irresistible... haha.. i dun know..should i take it or leave it?? DELL.. i merajuk dgn u k!!
hp compaq 2710p
Dis one..i'm not so sure bout da price.. but i guess it's out of range..hehe.. ter'survey'.. comel kan dis one.. leh pusing2.. sesuai utk aku yg ganas ini...Tp xsesuai dgn my budget..:-p
Toshiba Satellite A135-S4478
Dis one..i'm not so sure bout da price.. but i guess it's out of range..hehe.. ter'survey'.. comel kan dis one.. leh pusing2.. sesuai utk aku yg ganas ini...Tp xsesuai dgn my budget..:-p

Toshiba Satellite A135-S4478
Yang ni pun leh tahan jugak since i'm looking for brand Toshiba and Compaq.. if it's possible..i would like to have HP.. hehe:-p
i also luv MacBook.. but, thinking of da price and da problem i might's better for me to forget about it.. Well, sume ni planning je.. klo ada rezeki.. InsyaAllah i'll buy it.. if not.. i 'll only repair the LCD.. it's depend if i get any job(with da good salary) after my practical training..
Friday, February 15, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Da bag..
Huhu.. dis is da bag which i bought last week in KL.. it quite big.. but not too big laa.. coz i mmg x sesuai dgn bag2 yg kecik sgt.. coz i too comel..huhu.. beg ni cam bese2 je.. sesuai for many event coz die x over.. sesuai pi ofis n jln2 too..hehe.. i wish more for da coach handbag yg i display kat entry sebelum ini..huhu..

ini purse Guess yg aku grab from my sis since she bought da new one.. purse ni pun bese2 je.. aku ske coz it smaller than mine before..
Baru amik ni from Mr Azmeer semalam..murah ok..
15sen/min to all network
1sen/sms to Celcom network
6sen/sms to other network
murah kan???

15sen/min to all network
1sen/sms to Celcom network
6sen/sms to other network
murah kan???
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Gedik lagi..

more pictures
Ni sume adalah gambar untuk last week coz arini aku br leh transfer gambar.. hukhuk..know y kn? coz of my laptop rosak la..
ni la Carrot cake yg aku buat..serius best.. xtau la klo ada yg rs xbest.. sumtin wrong with ur deria rs i guess..
kek sebelum di terbalik kan..haha.. kat tgh2 tu x brape msk..aku xreti bakar kek..huhu
last 2 week kitaorg kuar jln2 kat megamall..hehe hav black tea ice blended.. i guess da green tea tasted better..
banana chip muffin i guess..from starbuck..dah lupe namenye..manis..
My new heels..from Bonia..ignore kaki tu k.. herh..buwuk.. wanna hav pedicure..anyone nk sponsor aku???? y i'm so pinky rite now???

Gedik santai!
The walking day with u..-Day 3
i spend the whole day with him.. about 9am, he wake me up.. cam x cayer je die bgn awal arini..huhu.. rupenye.. si farid dah kejutkan die..hehe.. then, i'm having my shower.. around 10.30am, he pick up me and we heading to lrt Sentul timur to parked his bike and leave the helmet at his auntie's house.. kitaorang naik tren smpai titiwangsa then change to monorail until reach Raja Chulan..hehe..our destination..Pavilion. The main purpose pi Pavilion act, nk cari jacket die and my Roxy handbag.. Tp ble sampai sane..handbag Roxy yg ada sumenye x menarik hati aku.. tah la..aku x berkenan+ it's not suitable for me.. the color cam dull gitu.. so, i decide to hav a look for another brand.. em, his jacket?? the one yg die nk xde plak..yg ada tu, dia xmo.. pnat gak arr pusing2 carik.. Aku pi masuk Esprit ada 1 beg tu cam material die cam xbest..look biase sgt+ tali handbag tu keras semacam je.. then, kuar lg jln2 kot2 jumpe kat kedai lain lak..ble turun level brape yg bahagian Esprit plg bwh.. ada 1 beg tu berkenan keras gak..xbest.. nampak 1 beg ni, tp ada 2 tali handbag..aku cm xmo yg 2 tali coz nnt senang jatuh dr bahu.. asked my boy to take it..ble try nice la plak..hehe.. my boy pun cakap lawa..huhu.. ble tgk da price..huhu..ada less lg.. so, aku pun cam xpikir pjg lg.. trs ckp 'i want dis'.. i asked the assistant to hav da new one..i dun want da display item.. then he said that's da only one left..huh.. then, da nice boy, hav a check for da bag at another outlet.. he replied, there are 3 more in KL Plaza and 2 more in EDC Lot 10'.. huhu.. since da 2 mall juz nearer.. so, i decided to buy it at KL Plaza.. ala..depan Pavilion je pun.. dekat sgt..Ble sampai EDC KL Plaza tu.. trs mintak da bag.. and it's surprising me coz it hav da higher discount compared with da Esprit Pavilion.. lg la aku suka kan..hehe.. trs bli dat one.. and my boy topup for some of the amount..hehe..thanks yg lagi cayank ni..hehe..
Then, masuk sat dlm KL Plaza tu.. he entered one of da camera shop there.. looking for da camera's bag..huhu.. die budget about rm200 only.. at first, he asking for the price one of da bag and both of us heard da boy said its rm200. Wow.. so murah.. then, i'm asking for kurangkan harga.. then die ckp pe tah.. tp aku dgr ada 80 kat blkg.. so, i tot it's rm180.. then, i tawar lg.. why not rm150? then, die cam terkejut..'haahhh??' aku cam dah pelik.. aku silap ckp ke ape kan?? my boy pun cam konfius gak time tu coz xcaye gile murah harga beg tu.. then da boy tu nk check dlu.. die ckp, die leh kc RM450.. huhu.. silap dgr la ek td.. gile mahal.. so, kitaorg cam xmo la kn.. but da boy assistant tu cut down da price lg.. ckp rm350 lak.. huhu.. we're da 1st, he really wanted to sold it.. then he said his boss can give rm300.. final price.. perh.. cam rugi je x amik kan.. my boy dah pening2 coz it's over da budget tp rugi la klo xbli kn.. at last, dia amik..huhu.. surprising me..coz my boy jarang nk habiskan duit for something simple2 camni.. huhu.. they also give Nikon vest for free.. hehe.. my boy ckp, even kat pun, da price almost rm350.. he felt like crazy spending so much money for da bag, since he juz bought Nikon D80.. haha. dua-dua cam dah gile sket+hepi coz both of us got new bag..hehe. Di atas kegilaan itu.. he asking me to hav a walk from KL Plaza to KLCC.. at first, aku cam biar btol die ni kn?? x jauh ke?? die ckp, dkt aku pun consider as exerciselaa.. jauh gak rupenye..herh..tgh pns lak tu..

Tamrac - Model 5374 Adventure 74 Photo Backpack
Sampai KLCC, ramai gle duk kat oversea dah..naik nyampah pun ada..herh.. we straight away went to Starbuck, hav our relaxing Java Chip ice blended while hav a look of our new bag..hehe..trs guna our new bag.. later, pi solat and jalan2 lg.. then, mkn kat KFC.. at first, he didn't want to eat.. but i forced him.. bought one dinner plate.. share je coz xla lapar sgt.. Then kitaorg jln2 kat taman tu..amik gambar and trs solat Asar.. Rite after Asar, kitaorg plan nk pi Tasik Titiwangsa.. guess wat?? we're walking from KLCC to T.TITIWANGSA!! gile btol.. siap silap masuk lorong lg coz igt nk wat last lalu la the actual road coz serik silap masuk jln lg..herh..u nye keje la ni b.. aku jln pun coz pk exercise je..klo x, jgn harap.. lg pun aku pk nk melantak mlm hav to exercise la before mkn..hehe..i took us about 1hour and half to reach titiwangsa..gile ape kn.. serius it's fun..
Java Chip
Dinner plate set
Reached Tasik Titiwangsa around 6.30pm.. snapped some photos.. and lepak2 jap.. setengah jam pastu, we jln kaki lg smpai sentul timur.. took his bike and went to her auntie's house to pick the helmet + solat.. so segan.. his antie said i look chubbier now..herh.. i HATE those word...*sigh... so, aku jawab jela..duk umah..sehatlaa mkn byk..pasni xmo dah pi umah ur aunt except i dah kurus..ok??? (ntah ble la aku kurus?? ajaib2). pas siap solat sume, pi Serdang..hehe..tujuannye hanya nk mkn..act, i'm craving for fish..dah lama x mkn ikan siakap msk sweet sour.. best2.. ada one restaurant ni.. die introduce.. kitaorg amik set.. act, the set untuk 3org..coz xde utk 2 org.. only rm35..makanan pun sedap..serius.. 1 set contain of siakap(masak ikut pilihan)+ tomyam+tofu masak sizzling style+kailan ikan masin+3plate of nasi+3 fruit juice.. huhu..i think i ordered siakap masak 3 rasa.. tp ble sampai tu rs cam siakap masak masam manis je..nevermind la..yg penting sedap..huhu.. juz tomyam je cam pelik sket rasanya.. kitaorg xmkn pun.. tomyam and da juice yg lbh tu my boy tapaw.. hehe..gile x kitaorg boo mkn 2 and 3/4 plate of nasi..hehe..isk2 my b ni.. tp nasi tu xdela penuh gle pun.. aku lak meratah lauk tu dgn jayanya..best2
Then, masuk sat dlm KL Plaza tu.. he entered one of da camera shop there.. looking for da camera's bag..huhu.. die budget about rm200 only.. at first, he asking for the price one of da bag and both of us heard da boy said its rm200. Wow.. so murah.. then, i'm asking for kurangkan harga.. then die ckp pe tah.. tp aku dgr ada 80 kat blkg.. so, i tot it's rm180.. then, i tawar lg.. why not rm150? then, die cam terkejut..'haahhh??' aku cam dah pelik.. aku silap ckp ke ape kan?? my boy pun cam konfius gak time tu coz xcaye gile murah harga beg tu.. then da boy tu nk check dlu.. die ckp, die leh kc RM450.. huhu.. silap dgr la ek td.. gile mahal.. so, kitaorg cam xmo la kn.. but da boy assistant tu cut down da price lg.. ckp rm350 lak.. huhu.. we're da 1st, he really wanted to sold it.. then he said his boss can give rm300.. final price.. perh.. cam rugi je x amik kan.. my boy dah pening2 coz it's over da budget tp rugi la klo xbli kn.. at last, dia amik..huhu.. surprising me..coz my boy jarang nk habiskan duit for something simple2 camni.. huhu.. they also give Nikon vest for free.. hehe.. my boy ckp, even kat pun, da price almost rm350.. he felt like crazy spending so much money for da bag, since he juz bought Nikon D80.. haha. dua-dua cam dah gile sket+hepi coz both of us got new bag..hehe. Di atas kegilaan itu.. he asking me to hav a walk from KL Plaza to KLCC.. at first, aku cam biar btol die ni kn?? x jauh ke?? die ckp, dkt aku pun consider as exerciselaa.. jauh gak rupenye..herh..tgh pns lak tu..

Sampai KLCC, ramai gle duk kat oversea dah..naik nyampah pun ada..herh.. we straight away went to Starbuck, hav our relaxing Java Chip ice blended while hav a look of our new bag..hehe..trs guna our new bag.. later, pi solat and jalan2 lg.. then, mkn kat KFC.. at first, he didn't want to eat.. but i forced him.. bought one dinner plate.. share je coz xla lapar sgt.. Then kitaorg jln2 kat taman tu..amik gambar and trs solat Asar.. Rite after Asar, kitaorg plan nk pi Tasik Titiwangsa.. guess wat?? we're walking from KLCC to T.TITIWANGSA!! gile btol.. siap silap masuk lorong lg coz igt nk wat last lalu la the actual road coz serik silap masuk jln lg..herh..u nye keje la ni b.. aku jln pun coz pk exercise je..klo x, jgn harap.. lg pun aku pk nk melantak mlm hav to exercise la before mkn..hehe..i took us about 1hour and half to reach titiwangsa..gile ape kn.. serius it's fun..

Reached Tasik Titiwangsa around 6.30pm.. snapped some photos.. and lepak2 jap.. setengah jam pastu, we jln kaki lg smpai sentul timur.. took his bike and went to her auntie's house to pick the helmet + solat.. so segan.. his antie said i look chubbier now..herh.. i HATE those word...*sigh... so, aku jawab jela..duk umah..sehatlaa mkn byk..pasni xmo dah pi umah ur aunt except i dah kurus..ok??? (ntah ble la aku kurus?? ajaib2). pas siap solat sume, pi Serdang..hehe..tujuannye hanya nk mkn..act, i'm craving for fish..dah lama x mkn ikan siakap msk sweet sour.. best2.. ada one restaurant ni.. die introduce.. kitaorg amik set.. act, the set untuk 3org..coz xde utk 2 org.. only rm35..makanan pun sedap..serius.. 1 set contain of siakap(masak ikut pilihan)+ tomyam+tofu masak sizzling style+kailan ikan masin+3plate of nasi+3 fruit juice.. huhu..i think i ordered siakap masak 3 rasa.. tp ble sampai tu rs cam siakap masak masam manis je..nevermind la..yg penting sedap..huhu.. juz tomyam je cam pelik sket rasanya.. kitaorg xmkn pun.. tomyam and da juice yg lbh tu my boy tapaw.. hehe..gile x kitaorg boo mkn 2 and 3/4 plate of nasi..hehe..isk2 my b ni.. tp nasi tu xdela penuh gle pun.. aku lak meratah lauk tu dgn jayanya..best2
*ni sume bukan actual pic coz all da pic with my boo..nnt check it out kat my boo nyer fotopages.. kitaorg x amik gambar pun time mkn coz both of us dah lapar..haha
Monday, February 11, 2008
Lalala..-Day 2
Huhu..arini 4 of us..went to One Utama.. act, i'm the one who really wanted to go there coz such a long time i not go there.. i think, ms kecik2 dlu kot pegi sana..zaman2 ikea masih kat situ..zaman kedai Garfield ada kat situ lg.. huhu..lama kn?? k.iniee and Erie really wanted to watch movie.. they wanted to watch Kung Fu Dunk.. haha..ble sampai OU tu.. aircond cinema tu plak rosak..adui... so, tunggu la kejap kan..kot2 it'll be ok.. so aku pun jln2 laa dlu.. something catching my eyes.. huhu.. bj kat Sommerset Bay..really cute la da baju.. hukhuk..aku sabar je la ek.. then, we went again to da cinema, asking for the ticket..but they still cannot sell it coz the aircond still not ok.. so, we decide to hav our movie at cineleisure..hehe..aku la yg suggest coz aku dh bosan gle kat OU tu..xbest la kat situ..bosan jer.. so, we went to Cineleisure..but we parked the car kat IKEA. Ble sampai kat cinema tu..Kung Fu Dunk tu nye time lewatlaa decided to watched CJ7.. this movie..must see ok.. time klakar tu, satu hall gelak.. but time sedih tu..aku rs sume orang kot nangis.. huhu.. serius best.. tp rs cam xpuas je tgk cite tu..want more.. huhu
must see..

After dat, jln2 kat the Curve sekejap..hav our prayer time.. then, off to IKEA.. looking for the Karipap..i lurve it, i also bought some container from Ikea.. that's all. Then, we headed to Pizza Hut at TTDI area.. hav Golden Happiness Cheesy Crown's really delicious..:-p also hav da spagetti :-p
must try

After dat, jln2 kat the Curve sekejap..hav our prayer time.. then, off to IKEA.. looking for the Karipap..i lurve it, i also bought some container from Ikea.. that's all. Then, we headed to Pizza Hut at TTDI area.. hav Golden Happiness Cheesy Crown's really delicious..:-p also hav da spagetti :-p

Then, went back home.. hehe.. around 8.30pm, i went out with my boo.. teman die dinner..cian die..after da dinner, he wanted to go to Tesco to bought some groceries.. i got stomachache dat's killing me..hampeh tol.. teman die bli brg2 and some food stock.. rajin btol die masak skang..huhu.. later on, he sent me perut really sakit..:-(
i'm so hepi rite now coz most of my wishlist sudah berjaya di grab..even not all of them mengikut spesifikasi..and ada certain thing which i know, impossible for me to get it by dis sem..well..nevermind..

last weekend (CNY holiday), my sis and i went to KL. We arrived KL around 11 pm. The next day which is CNY, we went to Mid Valley megamall.hav our lunch at Kenny Rogers.. aku rasa Kenny rogers makin lama makin x sedap..serius..aku cam dah kurang selera makan kat situ..

i tried the new meal which is Kenny's Home-baked Fillet .The size of fillet is very small..and the taste of the side dishes cam dh kureng sedap.. Then, we bought some bread from Bread Talk.. the bread there were very nice and delicious.. sesuai laa dgn harganya yg a bit expensive for taraf kedai roti.. but no regret for u to buy the bread here.. my sis mesti x lepaskan peluang roti kat sini once she go to Midvalley..
about 2pm.. k.ja went to meet her frenz in Kelana just leave k.inie and i.. continue our window shopping... bought some groceries at carrefour.. and me grab a bracelet.. kind of batu2 kaler hitam..quite big stone.. only rm7.. rugi bli nih coz after dat i found it cheaper in pasar mlm..huh.. since i berkenan..nevermind la..
After dat, we heading to Pasar Malam Bandar Tun Razak coz my sis looking for 'tudung' and brooch.. she bought a tudung for my mum..and me?? i also grab one..hehe..murah je.. and i juz fall into the pattern..why i become pinky'er' lately???why??? maybe coz sumone told me pink make us look younger??huhu..i'm naturally young..huhu..kinda of afraid to be old... i also bought kain pasang.. the colour is merah terang..huhu..i luv da colour..and my sis bought a brooch for k.ja..
Then, we went to Kajang..specifically, to Satay Kajang Hj Samuri..hehe.. went there to pick up my lil brother..Erie and also hav our dinner there. My lil brother tgh holiday act, he's in PLKN rite now.. After hav da mkn2, went back home..
About 9pm, i went out with my boo.. teman die mkn kat velodroom..hehe..pity him. He merajuk with me coz x kuar dgn die..and he didn't eat for da day..ngade2 sungguh kamu...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Mitsubishi Colt

Since my boo duk sibuk2 tanye nk bli kete ape.. aku pun cam dh ter'excited' nk kete.. Another 4-5 month lg my boo will finish his degree..Insyaallah..:-) Proud of u dear... He told me..he want to buy a smaller car first, then after i graduate, i'll take da car n continue the payment la.and he'll buy a new car which is bigger than mine..itu die nyer kira2 la.( kate dia la ni kn..juz wait n see..hehe) So, he duk asked me wat car i want.. aku pun ckp la nk swift@aveo@jazz.. hehe..die ckp sume mhl.. aku pun mmg tau mhl..n aku pun pk gak..larat ke aku nk sambung byr nnt kn??? tp hati tetap nk yg itu jugak..susah tol kn..this evening, i saw a car and i catching my eyes...nice2.. Mitsubishi Colt.. nk yg ni..leh x??? huhu.. kete ni a little bit look like jazz tp depan die lain skit la.. aku ske sgt coz aku pun mmg sgt ske dgn mitsubishi..B..make it real la..huhu
Mitsubishi Colt 1.3 Elegance Review Road Test Data | |
Model Reviewed | Mitsubishi Colt 1.3 Elegance |
Body Type | 5-Door Hatchback |
Colour | Spicy Red |
Performance ~ manufacturers figures | |
0 - 62 mph | 11.1 Seconds |
Top Speed | 112 mph |
Transmission | 5-Speed Manual |
Fuel Type | Unleaded Petrol |
Economy ~ manufacturers figures | |
Urban | 36.7 mpg |
Extra Urban | 56.5 mpg |
Combined | 47.1 mpg |
Insurance Group | 5 |
Euro NCAP Rating | TBA |
Warranty | 3-Year unlimited mileage warranty 12-Year anti-corrosion/perforation warranty 3-Year Pan-European breakdown and recovery service |
Price when tested on the 16/03/05 | £ 10,999 |
Updated wishlist

i really luvvvv dis one..

Dis one pun sumtime nmpk dull aka buwuk

Due to my last wishlist..i nk update kn sket..hehe..
1. New watch- it's either from GUESS or ESPRIT or FOSSIL (no more SWATCH k)
--> ble tgk jam2 yg aku senaraikan aritu..hati aku cam tetap ske kat GUESS yg kaler hitam sesuai utk sume waktu+it's leather..
2. 1 set of Dry to Normal Nourifusion Skincare
--> my sis juz bought 1 set of Oily to Normal Nourifusion aku tgk die pakai dlula..skang aku curik2 gune die nye toner je laa..
3. New handbag ( any bag that suite me..but i wish it's ROXY)
-->yg ni nk upkn skit leh?hehe..i wish it's COACH.. maybe hantaran kot..leh kn b??
4. New heels..(i'm not a high heels girl.. but i wish to wear it..i juz want a 2-3 inch previous heels 'Primavera' is a shoe.. i dun want shoe anymore..)
--> Ptg td i juz bought a new heels..from Bonia and it's PINK xcaye je aku bli itu..haha
5. New perfume..( i wish to hav Deep Red from Hugo Boss or With Love from Hillary Duff)
--> yg ni i still wait..huhu
6. New sportshoes..( i suppose to buy it dis sem but it's ok la since k.inie give her puma to me)
7. Most important.. i wish million of money inside my purse rite now..huhu
--> yg ni xtaU le bley tercapai
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