last weekend (CNY holiday), my sis and i went to KL. We arrived KL around 11 pm. The next day which is CNY, we went to Mid Valley megamall.hav our lunch at Kenny Rogers.. aku rasa Kenny rogers makin lama makin x sedap..serius..aku cam dah kurang selera makan kat situ..

i tried the new meal which is Kenny's Home-baked Fillet .The size of fillet is very small..and the taste of the side dishes cam dh kureng sedap.. Then, we bought some bread from Bread Talk.. the bread there were very nice and delicious.. sesuai laa dgn harganya yg a bit expensive for taraf kedai roti.. but no regret for u to buy the bread here.. my sis mesti x lepaskan peluang roti kat sini once she go to Midvalley..
about 2pm.. k.ja went to meet her frenz in Kelana just leave k.inie and i.. continue our window shopping... bought some groceries at carrefour.. and me grab a bracelet.. kind of batu2 kaler hitam..quite big stone.. only rm7.. rugi bli nih coz after dat i found it cheaper in pasar mlm..huh.. since i berkenan..nevermind la..
After dat, we heading to Pasar Malam Bandar Tun Razak coz my sis looking for 'tudung' and brooch.. she bought a tudung for my mum..and me?? i also grab one..hehe..murah je.. and i juz fall into the pattern..why i become pinky'er' lately???why??? maybe coz sumone told me pink make us look younger??huhu..i'm naturally young..huhu..kinda of afraid to be old... i also bought kain pasang.. the colour is merah terang..huhu..i luv da colour..and my sis bought a brooch for k.ja..
Then, we went to Kajang..specifically, to Satay Kajang Hj Samuri..hehe.. went there to pick up my lil brother..Erie and also hav our dinner there. My lil brother tgh holiday act, he's in PLKN rite now.. After hav da mkn2, went back home..
About 9pm, i went out with my boo.. teman die mkn kat velodroom..hehe..pity him. He merajuk with me coz x kuar dgn die..and he didn't eat for da day..ngade2 sungguh kamu...
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