As i mentioned notebook was ROSAK... pity me... and now, i'm so confused either to repair it or juz bought a new one.. if it's me.. i would buy a new one of coz.. but da matter is about da money..hehe.. so, anyone would like to buy my previous Dell inspiron?? Only the LCD yg rosak actually..However, i've make some researched about a new laptop..hehe.. dis one only can happen if i get any 'durian runtuh' or any rezeki yang turun dari langit..huhu. InsyaAllah.. Pray it for me k.. i'm surveyed only for a laptop with da price range RM2k-3k only.. A big claps for me..:-D

Dis one also from Dell.. i juz can't resist myself with da design..i lurvee da color and additional pattern.. i juz fall in luv with the flamingo pink at first sight..huhu.. even i kinda of sulking with DELL.. dis one really irresistible... haha.. i dun know..should i take it or leave it?? DELL.. i merajuk dgn u k!!
hp compaq 2710pDis one..i'm not so sure bout da price.. but i guess it's out of range..hehe.. ter'survey'.. comel kan dis one.. leh pusing2.. sesuai utk aku yg ganas ini...Tp xsesuai dgn my budget..:-p
Toshiba Satellite A135-S4478Yang ni pun leh tahan jugak since i'm looking for brand Toshiba and Compaq.. if it's possible..i would like to have HP.. hehe:-p
i also luv MacBook.. but, thinking of da price and da problem i might's better for me to forget about it.. Well, sume ni planning je.. klo ada rezeki.. InsyaAllah i'll buy it.. if not.. i 'll only repair the LCD.. it's depend if i get any job(with da good salary) after my practical training..
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