Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The walking day with u..-Day 3

i spend the whole day with him.. about 9am, he wake me up.. cam x cayer je die bgn awal arini..huhu.. rupenye.. si farid dah kejutkan die..hehe.. then, i'm having my shower.. around 10.30am, he pick up me and we heading to lrt Sentul timur to parked his bike and leave the helmet at his auntie's house.. kitaorang naik tren smpai titiwangsa then change to monorail until reach Raja Chulan..hehe..our destination..Pavilion. The main purpose pi Pavilion act, nk cari jacket die and my Roxy handbag.. Tp ble sampai sane..handbag Roxy yg ada sumenye x menarik hati aku.. tah la..aku x berkenan+ it's not suitable for me.. the color cam dull gitu.. so, i decide to hav a look for another brand.. em, his jacket?? the one yg die nk xde plak..yg ada tu overbudget..so, dia xmo.. pnat gak arr pusing2 carik.. Aku pi masuk Esprit ada 1 beg tu cam berkenan..tp material die cam xbest..look biase sgt+ tali handbag tu keras semacam je.. then, kuar lg jln2 kot2 jumpe kat kedai lain lak..ble turun level brape tah..tp yg bahagian Esprit plg bwh.. ada 1 beg tu berkenan gak..tp keras gak..xbest.. nampak 1 beg ni, tp ada 2 tali handbag..aku cm xmo yg 2 tali coz nnt senang jatuh dr bahu.. asked my boy to take it..ble try nice la plak..hehe.. my boy pun cakap lawa..huhu.. ble tgk da price..huhu..ada less lg.. so, aku pun cam xpikir pjg lg.. trs ckp 'i want dis'.. i asked the assistant to hav da new one..i dun want da display item.. then he said that's da only one left..huh.. then, da nice boy, hav a check for da bag at another outlet.. he replied, there are 3 more in KL Plaza and 2 more in EDC Lot 10'.. huhu.. since da 2 mall juz nearer.. so, i decided to buy it at KL Plaza.. ala..depan Pavilion je pun.. dekat sgt..Ble sampai EDC KL Plaza tu.. trs mintak da bag.. and it's surprising me coz it hav da higher discount compared with da Esprit Pavilion.. lg la aku suka kan..hehe.. trs bli dat one.. and my boy topup for some of the amount..hehe..thanks dear..ni yg lagi cayank ni..hehe..

Then, masuk sat dlm KL Plaza tu.. he entered one of da camera shop there.. looking for da camera's bag..huhu.. die budget about rm200 only.. at first, he asking for the price one of da bag and both of us heard da boy said its rm200. Wow.. so murah.. then, i'm asking for kurangkan harga.. then die ckp pe tah.. tp aku dgr ada 80 kat blkg.. so, i tot it's rm180.. then, i tawar lg.. why not rm150? then, die cam terkejut..'haahhh??' aku cam dah pelik.. aku silap ckp ke ape kan?? my boy pun cam konfius gak time tu coz xcaye gile murah harga beg tu.. then da boy tu nk check dlu.. die ckp, die leh kc RM450.. huhu.. silap dgr la ek td.. gile mahal.. so, kitaorg cam xmo la kn.. but da boy assistant tu cut down da price lg.. ckp rm350 lak.. huhu.. we're da 1st customer..so, he really wanted to sold it.. then he said his boss can give rm300.. final price.. perh.. cam rugi je x amik kan.. my boy dah pening2 coz it's over da budget tp rugi la klo xbli kn.. at last, dia amik..huhu.. surprising me..coz my boy jarang nk habiskan duit for something simple2 camni.. huhu.. they also give Nikon vest for free.. hehe.. my boy ckp, even kat lelong.com pun, da price almost rm350.. he felt like crazy spending so much money for da bag, since he juz bought Nikon D80.. haha. dua-dua cam dah gile sket+hepi coz both of us got new bag..hehe. Di atas kegilaan itu.. he asking me to hav a walk from KL Plaza to KLCC.. at first, aku cam biar btol die ni kn?? x jauh ke?? die ckp, dkt je..so aku pun consider as exerciselaa.. jauh gak rupenye..herh..tgh pns lak tu..

Tamrac - Model 5374 Adventure 74 Photo Backpack

Sampai KLCC, ramai gle org..cam duk kat oversea dah..naik nyampah pun ada..herh.. we straight away went to Starbuck, hav our relaxing Java Chip ice blended while hav a look of our new bag..hehe..trs guna our new bag.. later, pi solat and jalan2 lg.. then, mkn kat KFC.. at first, he didn't want to eat.. but i forced him.. bought one dinner plate.. share je coz xla lapar sgt.. Then kitaorg jln2 kat taman tu..amik gambar and trs solat Asar.. Rite after Asar, kitaorg plan nk pi Tasik Titiwangsa.. guess wat?? we're walking from KLCC to T.TITIWANGSA!! gile btol.. siap silap masuk lorong lg coz igt nk wat shortcut..at last lalu la the actual road coz serik silap masuk jln lg..herh..u nye keje la ni b.. aku jln pun coz pk exercise je..klo x, jgn harap.. lg pun aku pk nk melantak mlm ni..so..u hav to exercise la before mkn..hehe..i took us about 1hour and half to reach titiwangsa..gile ape kn.. haha..tp serius it's fun..
Java Chip
Dinner plate set

Reached Tasik Titiwangsa around 6.30pm.. snapped some photos.. and lepak2 jap.. setengah jam pastu, we jln kaki lg smpai sentul timur.. took his bike and went to her auntie's house to pick the helmet + solat.. so segan.. his antie said i look chubbier now..herh.. i HATE those word...*sigh... so, aku jawab jela..duk umah..sehatlaa mkn byk..pasni xmo dah pi umah ur aunt except i dah kurus..ok??? (ntah ble la aku kurus?? ajaib2). pas siap solat sume, pi Serdang..hehe..tujuannye hanya nk mkn..act, i'm craving for fish..dah lama x mkn ikan siakap msk sweet sour.. best2.. ada one restaurant ni.. die introduce.. kitaorg amik set.. act, the set untuk 3org..coz xde utk 2 org.. only rm35..makanan pun sedap..serius.. 1 set contain of siakap(masak ikut pilihan)+ tomyam+tofu masak sizzling style+kailan ikan masin+3plate of nasi+3 fruit juice.. huhu..i think i ordered siakap masak 3 rasa.. tp ble sampai tu rs cam siakap masak masam manis je..nevermind la..yg penting sedap..huhu.. juz tomyam je cam pelik sket rasanya.. kitaorg xmkn pun.. tomyam and da juice yg lbh tu my boy tapaw.. hehe..gile x kitaorg mkn..my boo mkn 2 and 3/4 plate of nasi..hehe..isk2 my b ni.. tp nasi tu xdela penuh gle pun.. aku lak meratah lauk tu dgn jayanya..best2

ikan masak 3 rasa
kailan ikan masin
*ni sume bukan actual pic coz all da pic with my boo..nnt check it out kat my boo nyer fotopages.. kitaorg x amik gambar pun time mkn coz both of us dah lapar..haha

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