Huhu..arini 4 of us..went to One Utama.. act, i'm the one who really wanted to go there coz such a long time i not go there.. i think, ms kecik2 dlu kot pegi sana..zaman2 ikea masih kat situ..zaman kedai Garfield ada kat situ lg.. huhu..lama kn?? k.iniee and Erie really wanted to watch movie.. they wanted to watch Kung Fu Dunk.. haha..ble sampai OU tu.. aircond cinema tu plak rosak..adui... so, tunggu la kejap kan..kot2 it'll be ok.. so aku pun jln2 laa dlu.. something catching my eyes.. huhu.. bj kat Sommerset Bay..really cute la da baju.. hukhuk..aku sabar je la ek.. then, we went again to da cinema, asking for the ticket..but they still cannot sell it coz the aircond still not ok.. so, we decide to hav our movie at cineleisure..hehe..aku la yg suggest coz aku dh bosan gle kat OU tu..xbest la kat situ..bosan jer.. so, we went to Cineleisure..but we parked the car kat IKEA. Ble sampai kat cinema tu..Kung Fu Dunk tu nye time lewatlaa decided to watched CJ7.. this movie..must see ok.. time klakar tu, satu hall gelak.. but time sedih tu..aku rs sume orang kot nangis.. huhu.. serius best.. tp rs cam xpuas je tgk cite tu..want more.. huhu
must see..

After dat, jln2 kat the Curve sekejap..hav our prayer time.. then, off to IKEA.. looking for the Karipap..i lurve it, i also bought some container from Ikea.. that's all. Then, we headed to Pizza Hut at TTDI area.. hav Golden Happiness Cheesy Crown's really delicious..:-p also hav da spagetti :-p
must try
Then, went back home.. hehe.. around 8.30pm, i went out with my boo.. teman die dinner..cian die..after da dinner, he wanted to go to Tesco to bought some groceries.. i got stomachache dat's killing me..hampeh tol.. teman die bli brg2 and some food stock.. rajin btol die masak skang..huhu.. later on, he sent me perut really sakit..:-(
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