i really luvvvv dis one..

Dis one pun okla..tp sumtime nmpk dull aka buwuk

Due to my last wishlist..i nk update kn sket..hehe..
1. New watch- it's either from GUESS or ESPRIT or FOSSIL (no more SWATCH k)
--> ble tgk jam2 yg aku senaraikan aritu..hati aku cam tetap ske kat GUESS yg kaler hitam tu..cam sesuai utk sume waktu+it's leather..
2. 1 set of Dry to Normal Nourifusion Skincare
--> my sis juz bought 1 set of Oily to Normal Nourifusion skincare..so aku tgk die pakai dlula..skang aku curik2 gune die nye toner je laa..
3. New handbag ( any bag that suite me..but i wish it's ROXY)
-->yg ni nk upkn skit leh?hehe..i wish it's COACH.. maybe hantaran kot..leh kn b??
4. New heels..(i'm not a high heels girl.. but i wish to wear it..i juz want a 2-3 inch height..my previous heels 'Primavera' is a shoe.. i dun want shoe anymore..)
--> Ptg td i juz bought a new heels..from Bonia and it's PINK ok..cam xcaye je aku bli itu..haha
5. New perfume..( i wish to hav Deep Red from Hugo Boss or With Love from Hillary Duff)
--> yg ni i still wait..huhu
6. New sportshoes..( i suppose to buy it dis sem but it's ok la since k.inie give her puma to me)
7. Most important.. i wish million of money inside my purse rite now..huhu
--> yg ni xtaU le bley tercapai
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