Pas mkn tu, pi Megamall.. cr buku math my sis and me crk some stationary.. and jln2...

nk blk tu singgah Starbuck.. hehe.. aritu bc Starbuck xley minum.. but then, it's only rumours.. hehe.. so, wanna have my caramel macchiato yg x sempat minum aritu.. tp kan.. it's so xbest!!! i dun like it!!! it so coffee.. typically not so me.. erm, i luv coffee, but not dis type of coffee!!
my effort to make da coffee delicious.. but i'm failed... xsedap2 gak..arghh!!
Muka die puah ati je.. coz she can drink a lot... x aci!!
Luv dis picture.. tho mine is not DSLR camera.. lawa gak pe kamera tepon aku ni..

time tgh minum tu, brader Starbuck yg wat air tu tgh mop lantai.. then he asked me, "2 org je ke?".. and me replied.." xla.. ramai ni.." hehe.. sik baik adik ni hensem.. since die dh stat tego, aku pun sound la.. ckp xsedap machiato ni.. selambe je aku ni... die pun ckp, yg ais kurang best, better yg hot.. and i replied back " td brader lg sorang ckp yg ni best!! die tipu" haha.. now. i can't count on dat boy lagi.. last time pun die ckp banana muffin tu sedap.. padahal xsedap!!! aku time tu beria nk blueberry muffin, tp die ckp tu cam biase je rasenye!! herh.. aku xsame taste dgn dak tu arr.. Sian plak adik ni kne dgn aku.. siap kc suggestion lagi suh dtg lagi esk.. (byk cantik, nk byr ke??)
Sik baik adik ni comel..hehe... klo x kne dgr aku bebel lg.. hehe
Then, we heading to LAN BURGER.. lagi.. my sis ckp nk bli utk bawak bekal pi keje esok.. ape2 jela kakak aku ni sorang.. sebenarnye aku mls nk menunggu.. ya.. everytime we went there, we have to wait at least 30min-1hour juz for a burger!!! i juz dun understand why people keep hunting dis burger. Ya.. people dare to wait juz for a burger.. dun u think it's weird??? aku rase, xdela sedap sgt pun.. bese je rasenye.. tp org sanggup tunggu.. sorang2, bkn bli sikit2 pun..they all cam bli utk satu family.. an even by da time 1130pm camtu.. still ramai org ok.. kdg2 brader tu dh ckp awal2.. lambat lagi dpt, ttp they all willing to wait.. huh.. i wonder ok!!

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