last week..i had 2 times crocodile rock within 4 days!!! gemuk2... ok.. let's make a start.. last saturday, my sis (k.jaa) treat all of us a fine dining dinner at Crocodile Rock.. dh lame nk try dis restaurant.. at first, my SIL xnk pi coz dis restrnt serve 'beer'.. then, we tried to figure out da other restaurant.. sgt susah ok.. kuantan ni mmg sgt ssh nk cr restaurant yg best.. i found bayleaf steak house in internet.. so, dat nite, pg laa tgk dlu, huhu.. tp bayleaf tu lgi laa horror kot.. dh la tmptnye area chinese area.. so, my SIL ckp, g Crocodile rock jela... Ble sampai CR tu.. tgk all da waitress+waiter malay people.. time diorg take order, me asked direct je.. halal x kat sini?? then he replied, act, their boss r malay, but his wife is 'minah salleh'.me asked lg, nape serve 'beer??' die ckp act, tu from another bar outside.. ble ad permintaan br diorg dptkan dr bar tu.. so, leh la kitaorg mkn dgn leganye..CR ni klo tgk dr luar mmg cam biase je.. juz like umh org.. tp dlm nye nice.. good ambiance tho.. very refreshing enviroment and cosy sgt..

they provide colour pencil n paper for color for da kids..
nice kn cmni.. at least xdela dak2 ni pi merayap..
for danish too
tropical punch
creamy cheezy spagetti
ya.. it's reaaly cheezy.. smpai melekat2 kat bibir okeh!! yummy...

my brother had crocs spagetti--> die xsuke sgt..
chicken chop.. belong to my sis.. da sauce mmg yummy
lupe dh name pizza ni.. sgt nipis pizza nye n crispy.. tp me xske sgt rsnyer
danish had burger
ok.. act, byk gmbr not with's with my brother.. nnt laa upload lg.. i had chicken grill with daphanoise n green peppercorn sauce.. it's really yummy, gud choice nwy and my SIL had fish n chip, xsedap sgt... for drink, we had soursop, kiwi juice and also tropical pnch freeze.. drink nye ok-ok jela..
dat nite, ad birthday surprise for da amoi.. da waiter kuarkan bunga n kek.. then da boy kind of propose amoi tu.. so sweet.. da one yg pgg gitar tu is da owner of CR.. he's act a performer.. he played sacsofon i guess.. ad byk note psl dia around da wall.. he sing very well..
next, last tuesday.. E*risson treat.. act, ada migration to new media gateway.. so, SIL and all da technical staff sgt bz within dis few week.. cam biaselaa kn.. vendor akan blanje... my SIL yg suggest CR coz dh bosan sgt mkn kat tanjung lumpur.. gambar2 sume lum dpt dr diorg.. only had 2 pic.. which is my food of da day..
time ni mmg mkn balun gile.. aku rs mau almost 1k kot mlm tu..we had, nachos, calamari, mushroom soup, and etc.. act, kitaorg mkn round da table.. rs skit2.. for my main dishes, i had salmon grill with daphonoise.. daphonoise ni act die nye pilihan laa.. either u nk mashed potato, fries or dphonoise itself. it tasted really good.. like potato yg di hiris nipis2 n bake with da chesse.. yummy giler.. tp me xhbs pn mlm tu coz mmg muak!! n da best part, aku order 2 air..haha.. at first aku try hot latte.. tp rs die sebijik sejebon cam 'nescafe high calcium'.. mmg xle blah.. so, b4 hbs mkn tu, i ordered 'red dragon' plak.. a combination of cranberry flavor with da sprite.. best2..

my salmon grill

a part of us.. yg bos2 besar meja blkg aku tuh..
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