First, i wanna have a new watch... ya.. i need it.. kalo aku mkin hold, smpi bile pun xdpt still cam pening lalat skit.. kalo beli jam ni.. after dis cam sakit skit la..but i still wanna have diss...

or dis one??

my smile turn into 'sour face' after da movie.. herhhhh
da next day, we planned nk pi breakfast kat 'Zaman', tp all of us bgn lewat.. so x pi laa.. around 12 kuar pi giant.. mkn sizzling... lastly, me bought 'bio-serai'.. haha.. peh laa aku mengarut kn.. takpe2.. another usaha kn.. klo x usaha camne nk berjaya.. ya.. i desperately need to kempiskn my belly ni.. buwuk gle perut aku ni... mau je aku cut-off the extra lemak kat perut ni...then, sent my sister at home, and my b took his brg2.. kuar pi megamall jap.. i'm looking for da jeans... try some jeans kat giordano.. ok and comfortable... tp design nye kurang menarik... so me x bli pun.. then kuar pi mkn kat 'Mok Naa' at tanjung lumpur.. dis kedai.. very ramai org... ramai ggiiiilllleee.. we hav to wait juz to get a seat... my sis pun join skali since die br sudah mengajar tuisyen.. then, me anta my boo blk... bye2 dear..
i had a lot of story to share last week.. but my ofis really messed up with many.. and i pun terkontang kanting cari place utk duduk.. my pc of coz ada org guna... now dis, diorg sebuk dgn installation for da new gateway and also upgrading to da new technologies, MPLS... most of da company dh start gune dis technologies.. and i'm working to gain knowledge about dis stuff...
ok, continue with da story..last week 25.2, my sis and i were having our fasting aka puasa sunat+puasa ganti...hehe... kononnye nak diet and nk jimat laa.. end up we rewarded ourself with dis scrumptious food..hehe..heaven sekejap..