Erm.. da next day.. my b come to kuantan.. hehe.. i cooked for him.. dat morning, my brother and family went to KL for holiday.. while my boo come here,,hehe..take advantage gak arr... dat morning, bgn awal, vacuum umah.. bersih kan sume.. around 11am, kuar pi bli brg.. i wanna cook him masak lemak cili api.. hehe.. balik umh, br stat nk mask, he told me he's already at gambang.. adui... me rushing masak..with da help of my sister... and trus pi amik die...
sampai umh, asked him to mkn dlu... and die ckp sedap.. hehe. juz like her mom's cook.. wow.. hebat x aku?? serius sedap..hahah.. then kuar pi megamall lg.. haha.. kali ni nk pi tukar cincin br lak.. haha.. die laa yg beria nk suh aku bli yg ni.. beria kc pinjam dlu duit..

Then, we headed to TC.. die pi amik gambar... lately, i feel like fall in luv with da DSLR camera.. serius... kind of interest dgn new nikon D60 DSLR camera.. harganye bout rm2500.. erm.. next target laa..haha.. Mlm tu plak juz lepak kat umah..tgk AF6.. bout 11pm, going out for midnite movie.. ya.. we watched 27 dresses.. erm.. i had no idea wat to describe.. my boo ckp cite tu ok.. tp me rs a bit boring..maybe coz me soo mengantuk and pening kpl... so i'm not really enjoying da movie.. time nk blk tu.. cam scary je area gsc tu.. dgn ramai org yg cam 'xbtol' sket.. and i'm so scared.. serius.. i'm scared... but my b cam buat dunno jer.. not even hold my hand(kat tempat yg xperlu beria lak pegang tgn aku*sigh*) he juz let me walked by my own.. time tu aku cam dh hangin... rase cam nk penampor je klo die pgg tgn aku lain kali... herhhh... aku pun dh hlg mood and sooo moody, trs blk... give him blanket and pillow..suh die tdo kat living room.. my sis asked me sembur 'riqsect'(betul ke eja??) coz cam ada nyamuk kat bwh.. tp me malas.. padan muke u.. sape suh wat i marah!!!!
my smile turn into 'sour face' after da movie.. herhhhh
da next day, we planned nk pi breakfast kat 'Zaman', tp all of us bgn lewat.. so x pi laa.. around 12 kuar pi giant.. mkn sizzling... lastly, me bought 'bio-serai'.. haha.. peh laa aku mengarut kn.. takpe2.. another usaha kn.. klo x usaha camne nk berjaya.. ya.. i desperately need to kempiskn my belly ni.. buwuk gle perut aku ni... mau je aku cut-off the extra lemak kat perut ni...then, sent my sister at home, and my b took his brg2.. kuar pi megamall jap.. i'm looking for da jeans... try some jeans kat giordano.. ok and comfortable... tp design nye kurang menarik... so me x bli pun.. then kuar pi mkn kat 'Mok Naa' at tanjung lumpur.. dis kedai.. very ramai org... ramai ggiiiilllleee.. we hav to wait juz to get a seat... my sis pun join skali since die br sudah mengajar tuisyen.. then, me anta my boo blk... bye2 dear..
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