well.. currently, i'm in dizzy mode.. such a lot of thing inside my head.. and i'm so eager to have all dis thingy...
First, i wanna have a new watch... ya.. i need it.. kalo aku mkin hold, smpi bile pun xdpt kn..tp still cam pening lalat skit.. kalo beli jam ni.. after dis cam sakit skit la..but i still wanna have diss...

i dun know which one is better.. pliz help me..it's dis one?

or dis one??

or dis one??? yg ni quite ok laaa

i also reeeeaaaaalllyyy need jeans... my previous levis xbest laa.. me rs cam nk kc my sis jer.. coz me dh jrg sgt gune..

erm.. lately, aku dh cam gile skit dgn mekap... i survey a lot and i really wanna hav dis.. it's about 100, cam syg la plak kn.. adui..aku pening..

ni plak loose powder from make up for ever... lot of review ckp dis loose powder ok.. shud i hav a try???

erm... i wanna have dis one too... pening2
I also had a long term target...

act, aku cm dh mls nk pk bout hp coz i juz had n70 a year ago... but dis hp really caught my eyes.. why??? first, coz it's slide phone, 2nd, the price not so bad.. which is cheaper than my n70, 3rd, it's music edition and lastly, bcoz my lil brother, keep asking if i wanna sell my n70, he wanna buy it and i can get dis one...

With love from hillary duff.. i didn't had a chance yet to try dis fragrance.. but from da review, it such a very nice perfume.. i wanna have one...

and dis gedikness... br je lately terasa nk have one... Nikon D60 DSLR camera..xtau laa ble mampu ni..

and lastly, i wanna hav a new lappy... i dun mind da brand, but i juz luv da colour of da lappy.. i think i shud have a skin for my lappy..hehe
1 comment:
hehehe...da jatuh cinta dengan dslr eh yg??xpe2...kalo b mmpu, try to support u with the dslr. kalo x dpt d60, will buy u the d40x, ok x??hntaran kwin ke nnti..hehehe... ;-p
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