Menu of da day
--> 1 pieces of karipap
--> 1 slice of Wholegrain bread
--> some kueh
--> Nasi goreng + ikan kembung bakar+ air asam+keropok+jelly+water
--> 1 large cup of Starbuck Green Tea ice blended (huhu..it's ruin my diet)
--> 1 cup of yogurt
-->shake (2 scoop F1+ 1 scoop F3 + some teamix + dutch lady mango+orange flavor + sunquick + ice)
Rite after Zohor, my sistas (k.jaa) n i went to her friends house for tahlil naik umah... time tu aku lapar gle..so..hav my lunch dgn prasaan yg sungguh puas hati..haha... then, pi book a cake for k.noni at secret recipe.. we booked Choc indulgence (i loikee so much) then we headed to Megamall once again looked for birthday card. Window shopping..besh2.. sempat try bau new perfume from Hugo Boss and Escada. Hugo Boss XX quite nice but i prefer the Deep Red (how i wish to buy it one day) but k.jaa seems to love the Escada S more.. i'm not really like it.. Then, try some pants from G2000 (aku cam dh gle kat G2000 a.k.a G2blu' la plak).. Jalan punye jln, rs cam thirsty la plak..so merengek2 to my k.jaa yg baik hati ini..hehe.. So, she rewarded me with Green Tea ice blended at Starbuck..haha.. how i luv u my sistas( i add a few ringgit k..hehe). My first time tried Green tea since i always tried Frappuccino flavor only.. Em.. ble dah habis minum tu br rs air ni rs cam air teh tarik plak..haha.. tp teh tarik yg berharga rm15 la.. Lepas tu, we went to Giant to buy plastic cupboard(am i rite?? dun know wat to call it).. Ada sale.. aku sangatlaa hepi coz with da budget, we manage to get 2 cupboard k..hehe..rezki.. Aku juz grab je coz harganya murah..rakus sket..Then..jln2 dlm giant tu... Sungguh ramai promoter yg kc try macam2 hari ini..hehe..aku dgn x malunye men'try' sume itu.. my sista pun dh ikut prangai sengal aku.. Ble dh kenyang br blk.Bloated gle dgn mcm2 jenis air...haha..buruknye perangai.. Xlupe jugak..k.jaa bought a new sim card happy.. it's murah k.. jimat for those yg ske gayut lama2 tu.. hehe.. like mine and i always did since he bought 'happy sim card'..hehe.. Conclusionnye, aku hepi coz bley jln2 hari ni and k.jaa spend me air yg i nk!thanks..lenkali blanje lg..i nk rasberry and mango lak k...
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