I just went back from KL last nite!! Very enjoying holiday..
4 Jan 08-Friday
---> Went to KL by Transnasional bus at 8.00pm and arrived Puduraya around 12am++. He fetch me at puduraya and we hav a supper at kedai mamak around taman midah. On da way send me home, ada roadblock kat area taman midah tu.. cpt2 kitaorg pakai seatbelt. hehe.. i'm quite shocked coz jrang polis wat roadblock kat situ.. Then he told me ada sindiket dadah yg kne tangkap kat area Hotel Maluri last week. 2 polices yg kne tembak. One of them is his untie's friend.. Now kat ICU hukm... Pas die cite tu tetibe bulu roma aku tegak n rs seram sejuk ke.. Rasa unsecure je.. so, i asked him to send me upstairs. hehe.. sape suh cite time tu!!
5 Jan 08 - Saturday
---> Had breakfast with k.inie at kedai mamak.. Hav my roti canai telur but could't finished it since dh lama xbreakfast yg berat2 ni.. then settled a few thing, then she straight away send me to pavillion.. Waited for mija n nina.. Janji kat 11am but mija trapped in the traffic.. so, aku jln dlu sorang2.. around 1pm++ they arrived. Then, about 10min later.. he arrived too :-) Really hav fun with them.. msk sana sini, try mcm2.. Lastly, mija got some lingerie from La Senza, nina got shoe from Vincci and me got Toblerone from him!!:-) hehe.. i xbli pape k!! juz bought the donut from J Co.. I also got ice blended from Gloria Jean's.. besh2.. We had our lunch at food republic, i hav my char kuey tiaw from the THYE HONG(am i rite) stall, he got ns goreng kerabu from 'nasi lemak stall', mija bought 'mee jawa' n nina got mee curry laksa(i guess so) n also popia.. All the food are nice. Eventho the price quite expensive yet still worth it coz it serve in quite big portion n the taste are there!! Lastly, we had our special ice kacang sponsored by him!! Thanks... delicious coz mkn ramai + u yg blikan..hehe!! Before balik tu kitaorg beratur for the J.Co donut, nina, mija n i bought half dozen each... Then lepak2 dlm J.Co tu, snapped some pictures n hav our relaxing drink from Gloria Jean's(xsnonoh kan, bli air kat lain tp duk kat lain) hehe... Then, me and him heading to monorail to go to the Titiwangsa station, there's some misunderstood.. we should go to Chow Kit station... uhuhu.. so kne jalan kaki g sane.. A few minutes later, my sis arrived and we heading to Kg baru since she's craving for the spagetti!! Arrived there.. she ordered seafood spagetti, me got 'fish n chips' n he got the chicken chop!! The 'fish n chips' are quite nice but the spagetti are worst.. ad ke patut spagetti rasa cam mee goreng basah!! ayyok... she really x puas ht yet she craving for the spagetti kat food court KLCC.. not today k my sis!! After all, finished our food and send him to the Sentul Timur LRT... My sis n i went back but before that we stopped at Tesco Cheras to bought some groceries... Sampai umh trus tdo!! Ngantuk !!
6 Jan 08 - Sunday
--->Pepagi lg my sis dh kejutkan.. a lot of to do..
First - pi amik ubat my mum kat umah kwn my sis
Second- she ask me to teman her went pavillion again!! aku pn temankan je laa..
she bought a jeans from Levis + a long sleeves blouse from Zara and me?? I just bought a long sleeves blouse (was it called blouse??) + a jacket. Both from G2000 and the colour also same. hijau lumut!!hehe.. luv it.. Then, hav our brunch also at Food republic.. Hav my omelette oyster while my sis hav her ns goreng seafood.. Then, we bought another 2 dozen J.Co donut.. Some for her and the rest untuk buat balik Kuantan!! 2 Dozen k!! Then, we rushed to Sogo.. She just dropped me there and i meet him at Pertama Kompleks.. Dia nk wat new spec.. Aku plak bleh lak tertinggal my purse so my sis hav to anta blk.. when she arrived home, br die sdr aku tertinggal ubat my mum lak.. adui la.. so forgetful..Lps die sudah wat die nye spec.. he send me to puduraya.. hukhukhuk.. time to say goodbye!!:-( i xpuas hati k!! sume terkejar2.. xcukup masa k!! xsmpat nk shopping lg..:-(
8.++ pm.. arrived kuantan.. thats all for this entry.. sorry me for the broken English + pape yg aku merapu.. Enjoy the photos k.. xbyk coz most used mija nye camera!
1 comment:
thanks for a really nice weekend..really appreciate it + miss it so much..
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