My boo juz got his new baby..*a big sigh.. b.. dun't u dare to menduakan i tau.. hehe.. last nite also an anniversary for our nokia n70..hehe. dat morning he sent me a message said happy anniversary.. and i was like ternganga jap.. am i forgot our anniversary..?? rasanye lambat lg.. then, i tot he silap org.. sik baik i x temper lg b.. kalo x, siap u.. then i asked him back anniversary for wat??hehe..sik baik n70 je.. aku cam x caye je dh setahun coz rsnye br je lagi aku habiskan duit for my n70 ni..even laa xla mhl sgt compare dgn org lain..but for me..mahal gak laa tu ..1.2k ok.. i'm still student k..huhu.. anyway, talking bout our new baby..(can it be consider as 'our'???) hehe.. nk numpang gak tu.jgn lupe ambik gambr i byk2 tau..wait for me dis coming chinese new year..hehe. semalam gak..my boo starting his new blog.. jeles laa tu aku blogging.. the blog exactly for his new baby..dats not fair babe..:-( u x wat pun blog for me..u lbh syg ur new baby eh?? *sigh*..
hehe..nice entry.
dont have to worry la. i love u more than everything but no more than my family and Allah. can it be like this babe??
the d80 would be 'our' la yg since u such a supportive gurl of mine. thanks..
i'll wait for u yg..this coming CNY. we go for outing n dating. :-p
erm...how come u forgot the anniversary??nasib u x temper..kalo u temper..i yg majuk r. :-p
maklum la..quite a busy gurl rite now.nk uruskan 'anak2' lagi kan..rumahtangga lagi..hubby lagi.. :-p
ok la..bye then
yela..i'm the third one..:-( up to u.. u decided..
dont be sad my dear. besides those, it would be u, the first sayang. the one and only..
huhu alalalla...cn i hv those oso?
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