my butter prawn yg xmcm butter prawn+muak=loya=haha

-->Sunquick shake
-->Nasi+butter prawn yg muak+salad
-->soup+some spaghetti + 1 slice of Thai seafood at Pizza Hut
-->some side dishes from Kenny Rogers+some roasted chicken(pau k.noni nye)
--> 1 slice of Choc Indulgence
--> sunquick shake
Huhu..menu for my dinner tu cam melampau je kn?? act, xla byk sgt, aku juz try skit je..huhu.. tp still out of diet laa.. nasi lunch tu aku xhbs pun coz mmg muak gle butter prawn yg aku wat.. i add to much oat! Ble aku smpi je umah ptg tu, k.noni call. She said sori coz lupe tinggalkn kunci umah n ask me to go to Megamall. Had some mkn2 for her birhtday. I waited for k.jaa about 15min then both of us heading to Megamall. k.noni said faris wanted to eat Pizza Hut but she wanted to eat Kenny Rogers., When my brother(Mr.Huzaimie) arrived, we had our Pizza Hut..while for k.noni she tapau quater of Kenny Rogers set.. She also bought a slice of marble cheesecake from Starbuck. Act, Mr Huzaimie plan nk pi dating after mkn2 tu..Malangnye, anak2 mereka tidak mengizinkan..huhu., Mr Huzaimie wanted to memujuk her wife act coz he suppose to cuti smlm.. both cuti..tp last minit, Mr Huzaimie's boss ask him to finish some work..Sampai ptg die kat ofis.. Just at the lunch time die blk umah to give a bouquet of flower to k.noni.(jelesnye..k.noni got flower). So, k.noni hav to stay at home alone for whole day..Em, smbg cite..disebabkan ank2 yg xmengizinkan their parents dating, so all of us juz go back..huhu.. Balik umah wat celebration lg skali.. Kek tu blum diusik k.. bout 10pm, both kanak2 dh tdo..so Mr Huzaimie and K.noni going out..hehe..dh mlm br leh kuar berdua.. kaco daun tul kanak berdua itu!!
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