Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 9~ Bad day!

-->Sunquick shake

--> Prosperity McD set ( thanks to miss Nuri)

--> Choc indulgence
--> Sunquick shake

The bad thing happen to me.. i'm so sad.. too sad k.. My laptop 'ROSAK'. rite after i post the story for Day 8, suddently my screen become coloured.. dun know how to describe.. tp 3/4 of my screen dah x nampak hape..ada line2 pjg yg colourful...penuh.. aku sgt tension coz aku x ada budget pun utk repair laptop or buy a new one.. even for repair the lcd tu..i need bout rm900 k..!!! Where can i get the money?? i dun hav any k.. The laptop is very needed for me k... i'm so sad n feel hopeless rite now.. and it's rosak time aku sgt rajin mengupdatekan blog sblm ni aku xla kesah sgt.. aku juz gune utk wat kje n main game.. skang i really need it.. i got a lot of work! my report, my presentation and my blog of coz. Em..This all bout money rite?? klo aku ada duit dh leh repair kn.. huh.. dis gonna make me become a materialistik person! dun blame me k.. Hidup ini yg mendidik aku jd camni.. my experience make me become moneylistik(ape tu??) k.. Klo nk ckp bout the past..huhu.. i'm gonna drop my tears je..kang banjir lak ofis ni.. ni pun cik Senari yg baik hati, bg aku gune pc die arini..thanks MR Senari. Smlm time sedih2 tu..mcm2 aku pk.. aku tau kadang2 aku ni cam x bersyukur je dgn ape yg aku ada.. always not enuf?? Aku tau aku teruk!! BLe tgk org ssh..aku tau ape yg aku ada skang dh cukup baik..I still hav parent, sibling, fren and a guy beside me..But wat can i do?? From child, money alwaiz going a matter for my family..n dats make me feel dat way..maybe the fault comes from my parents but that's wat i learn from child and finally its become me... aku tau klo duit ada, tp xde kasih syg xde guna gak kn??(like wat alwaiz happen to those org kaya2) i agreed with it..but if we dun hav money, its also bleh porak perandakan family kn?? Even some friend pun cm tu gak kn? ble kita senang ramai je ble kita ssh.. who cares??? huh..since money means everything nowaday...i dun hav any idea bout it..i juz tried to appreaciate everything dat i hav rite now.. my family, sibling, frens n my luv.. i appreaciate all of u for being there for me when i need u..
sorry for all my mistakes..Em, talking bout wat gurl wish.. think girl know better bout dis.. For men, let me give u an example.. let say, ada org halang u pi tgk bola yg u ske u rs?? or u ske komputer or games or wat everlaa kn.cube u bygkan, mlm tu ada bola but then, ur gf ask u to go out. how?? wat u feel..klo u x g die ckp u lbh pntgkan bola lak kn.. or klo u minat camera contohnye.. gf u halang u bli..die ckp membazir.. sedangkan u ske mende tu..camne?? ape u rs.? u still nk kan?? n u'll feel that ur gf are not supportive rite??same laa cam pompuan.. dh die ske shopping.. u hlg pun x guna gak.. itu yg die ske.. klo die x dpt, die akan usahakn jugak until die die puas..huhu.. u, as bf or gf, juz be supportive k.. tried to understand k.. klo u rs ur gf/bf u too over, u nasihatkan laa..but in proper way la.. like..if she want to buy BMW.. u nasihatkan laa die camni--->'i rs BMW tu x lawa sgt old style.. y not i bli kan u BLM... lawa LAtio'..huhu camtu laa caranye k.. tp jgnlaa downgrade dr BMW sampai BLM kan..huhu.. at least cr u tu menyenangkan..dh laa nk tlg blikan.lg laa die suka rite?? huhu... be supportive k.. klo u dh tau ur bf ske bola, y not u gi teman kan die tgk bola..ok wat?? both hepi rite?bleh dating and at da same time he can tgk bola kn?? tu sume sebagai contohlaa kan.. Moralnya, be supportive but in a positive way la..jgnlaa die pi wat jahat pun u nk sokong. u nsht biarla nice kn..for example ur gf tu x pakai tudung..huhu.. u ckplaa..u jeles org lain tgk gf u.. then u kc laa hadiah tudung ke kete ke ape laa ur gf cam terharu biru kn... jgn laa men mrh2 or paksa2 k.. smlm nuri(mu opismate) storied me bout her sister yg g keje kat Arab.. sedangkan her sis tu dah ada anak n her husband adalah sgt mampu utk tanggung family.. tp her husband are very supportive.. he let his wife go eventho he know ape kesan lps tu die pk, dh itu impian his wife.. he wanted to make his wife's dream come true..huhu..That's wat we call love.. when u love sumone.. u'll do anything to make sure ur love bahagia.. Thats y ada org sanggup tinggalkan org yg die syg if die tau the one he/she love bahagia dgn org lain.. it's not bout u dun luv her..but it's becoz to luv her too much.. u hepi when ur luv hepi.. For me..itulaa true love.. u hepi when ur luv hepi and u will drop ur tears when ur luv sad....i know dis is a sensitive luv might merajuk with me.. b.. i'm not dedicated dis entry for u.. juz wat i wanna share..i know u tried the best for me..i je yg xreti bersyukur kn??:-(


Unknown said...

quoted from this entry
"i'm not dedicated dis entry for u only.. juz wat i wanna share.."

something has to be reviewed there..'s ok.ur bf won't mind(maybe)..that's what u feel, ur feeling toward urself or him or anybody.. :-)

maybe with this entry will make him realize how bad he bad his attitude to u or vice versa.

but one thing i wanna share with u..ur b love u so much..

rosliza said...

yea..i'm wrong.. i know u will hurt with some word of mine.. btw, ur status in ym also make me wonder.."tak siapa tahu..tak siap mengerti..".. means i never know u??never understand u?? em?

Unknown said...

it's not bout u..u know me much than i know bout my self..